It seems ridiculous to say I am being frugal when my post lay-off expenses (computer repair, COBRA, cell phone bill, etc.) have been extreme.
Because I have been thrifty for a long time, I have enough savings to cover these expenditures. But I also have few options for further reductions.
One recent change has been a switch from using a laundry service to using the laundromat.
I hate laundromats. They must be some of the most consistently depressing places on Earth. They are always run-down and grubby. It doesn't seem likely that dirty clothes will become clean in such a crummy environment.
Everyone in these places is a bit down on their luck. The employees are earning little and the patrons don't have enough money for laundry service, let alone apartments with washers or dryers on premises. Some patrons appear to be homeless.
The environment oozes boredom. Everyone is waiting for a cycle to end. One can't get too distracted by a book or newspaper because they might miss the opportunity to add soap to the wash cycle or snag a free dryer.
Since my time is flexible, I try to time my visits for moments when the laundromat is fairly empty. Around 3pm is ideal.
Today there was only one other patron using the triple loader. He looked like another freelancer. He was reading a newspaper and book.
We sat a seat apart while waiting for the wash cycles to end. We didn't engage in any small talk.
His laundry went to the dryer before mine. When he was finished loading it, he asked if I would watch his things. Of course, I nodded yes.
As he exited, he paused at the door. It was raining outside. "Would you like anything from the deli?" he asked casually as if he had been my super considerate husband for the past five years.
New Yorkers have a depth of kindness that amazes me.