Saturday, April 18, 2009


I have served on the benefit host committee of Coney Island USA for a few years. Each year, I act as a Coney Island USA cheerleader until five friends buy $100 tickets to the annual gala fundraiser.

Fortunately, this year I declined to be on the committee. I suspected I wouldn't be able to raise the minimum amount, and didn't want to be held accountable by making a $500 donation I couldn't afford.

Although I know I made the right decision, it made me sad to miss the gala. It is the best party in New York City.

What a happy surprise when my mermaid friend and former benefit host committee pal informed me she bought a ticket for me! I am blessed with wonderful friends.

We enjoyed the knife-throwing, burlesque, music, fire-eating, sword-swallowing, and trapeze shows. During the breaks in the shows, we danced like our lives depended upon using every ounce of energy in our bodies.

It is a running joke that I try to kill the mermaid's boyfriend by exhausting him on the dance floor. We give it our best shot each year at the gala.

Several of the performers and other party-goers joined us. Such a happy, bouncing group must have been attractive.

I love dancing and welcome others who share the spirit. This pretty girl danced with me for a while. Before taking off with friends she told me that she loved my beautiful smile.

This is the kind of exchange that is difficult to express in the hyper sexualized and homophobic United States. Sometimes you get the opportunity to just enjoy being with people -- even if they are strangers. I suppose my only agenda is to try to walk away from an interaction without unpleasantness. There is no angling for anything like money or sex, and I prefer the same from others. It is so cool when other people are on the same page and we can just have fun.

It was a blast to jump around with my friends and this girl. Her compliment was generous and I am grateful to her for it.

Later, one of the burlesque girls joined us. At one point she dipped me and bit me on the belly! It was quite a surprise, but I thank her for giving me a great anecdote for the rest of the month.